Pet of the Week- Quarantine Edition (Hiking with your Dog)

We’re continuing our “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Pet of the Week segments, dedicated to your pets. This week, let’s talk about outings with dogs!

Many of us are home during this period. But, that doesn’t mean staying indoors. It just means staying safe and distancing. One ‘person’ you don’t need to distance from though is your four-legged friend. And, if that friend happens to be a canine, this is a great time for some exercise. This could be a [leashed] walk around the block. Or, it could mean getting out in nature and visiting some of the hiking trails that our beautiful valley is known for. An important thing to keep in mind is social distancing needs to happen on trails too, so if it looks busy, come back later or try another option. Here are some ideas our team came up with for dog hikes.

One of the best research tools for trail location and information, including The Wenatchee Foothills Trails and Horse Lake Trails, is Chelan Douglas Land Trust’s website.

Dry Gulch has multiple loops, which is a great option for social distancing while hiking. We recommend using this app to view the different loops and their varying distances.  Number 2 Canyon also has a lot of great trails, including Stairway to Heaven and Twin Peaks being a favorite (we recommend using an app called Trail Forks to help navigate.

If you and your dog are looking to get a bit outside of town, Sauers Mountain, is a great option. Sauers Mountain is made accessible thanks to a property owner who built the trail on his private property, so please be considerate and leash up the dogs. But, like all trails right now, if parking is full- save it for another day.

As always, be respectful when on the trails. Most trails are multi-use, and you may run into horses, mountain bikes, runners, and other hikers.  Have your dogs under control, always pick up after them, and be aware of your surroundings for everyone’s safety. Do also keep in mind, it is tick season and we are hearing reports they are bad this year, so be cautious.


Pet of the Week- Quarantine Edition (What To Do When You Find A Kitten)


Dog Attack Reported In Wenatchee